MILLS Community Services - HCS/TxHmL

Home and Community-based Services (HCS) and  Texas Home Living (TxHmL) Program are Medicaid waiver programs approved by the Centers for Medicaid Services (CMS).  HCS/TxHmL provides community-based services and supports to eligible individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) who live in their own homes or in their family homes.  

Both HCS/TxHmL services are intended to supplement services received from by needy families, such as Texas Health Steps, or from the support they receive from their families, neighbors or community organizations.

Some HCS/TxHmL Services Include:

We strongly suggest that you consider adding your child to the HCS/TxHmL waiver interest lists, which many parents call “waiting lists,” if you haven’t already done so. Even if you hope your child will never need those services, it is important that they be added to the interest list for any program(s) that might meet their needs. Your child might have to wait a long time to get services through the waiver. You can always decline the services once your child moves to the top of the list.

Many parents say they wish they had signed up for the waiver interest lists when their child was born or first diagnosed. Some of the interest lists have wait times that last for years.

Who Is Eligible?

To qualify for HCS or TxHmL:

MILLS Community Services - HCS/TxHmL


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